Then it hit me again. Yes, don't worry, I will be going to a doctor to figure out what is wrong with me. But at any rate, one of the reasons I was so depressed yesterday was because I have been doing the Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred
So, after having a complaining pity party to my hubby in the middle of Wal-Mart yesterday, he finally said out loud what I knew in my heart. After complaining and saying that I had seen no changes in my body from working my butt off, he then said "Jessica, lets not pretend. You and I both know the one thing that you and I are afraid to speak out loud that has not been happening." I innocently asked "What?", still playing stupid, because I KNEW he was right. Then he said it. Out loud. "Sweetheart, you haven't changed your eating habits one bit." Ouch. That one hurt. Only because it was absolutely true. So here is my confession: I have been indulging in late night snacks, eating out, Waffle House runs at 10 o'clock at night, Taco Bell for lunch, and half price chocolate milkshakes from the Sonic at least twice a week. Yep, there you go. I said it. Whew, I feel much better. So, I guess somewhere in my screwed up head I imagined that since I was working out everyday that I would still lose weight, no matter what I ate. Sounds crazy, right? Well, yeah. Maybe I am crazy. So, that aside, its time to get serious not only about my exercise routine, but my diet as well. So starting today, I have started eating clean and healthy. I have already started researching some clean and healthy food ideas and recipes on
So now, after my meltdown and small setback, I am back and ready for some healthy lifestyle changes! I just seriously am having a hard time parting with the chocolate milkshakes...but that is what the once-a-week cheat meal is for, right? Right. I just need to keep it ONCE a week, not twice or three times....
Anyways, more to come later. Thanks for reading! Until next time...